Technical / research - Page 44

Researchers demonstrate efficient and stable formamidinium–caesium perovskite solar cells and modules from lead acetate-based precursors

Researchers from Monash University, Wuhan University of Technology, CSIRO Manufacturing, The Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication and Foshan Xianhu Laboratory of the Advanced Energy Science and Technology Guangdong Laboratory have demonstrated "the first effective use of lead acetate as a precursor in making formamidinium-caesium perovskite solar cells". This could lead to a new way of creating durable, efficient perovskite photovoltaics at industrial scale.

Members of Exciton Science, based at Monash University, were able to create perovskite solar cells with 21% efficiency, which they say are the best results ever recorded for a device made from a non-halide lead source.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 22,2022

Researchers develop new strategy to improve efficiency and stability of flexible perovskite solar cells

Researchers from Saule Research Institute, Saule Technologies, Centre for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy (CHOSE), CNR-SCITEC, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology and Poznan University of Technology have demonstrated an effective strategy to improve the technical aspects of flexible perovskite solar cells,  improving the reliability and efficiency values of these devices.

The team applies large organic ammonium molecules for modifying a buried interface between a hole-transporting layer (HTL) and perovskite-absorbing material. With the 4-fluorophenethylammonium iodide (FPEAI), they achieved 18.66% efficiency for the large-area (1 cm2) flexible solar cell, a significant improvement over the pristine device without modification.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 21,2022

HZB researchers reclaim efficiency record with 32.5% silicon/perovskite tandem solar cell

Researchers at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) recently announced a new tandem solar cell that converts 32.5% of the incident solar radiation into electrical energy.

The certifying institute European Solar Test Installation (ESTI) in Italy measured the tandem cell and officially confirmed this value which is also included in the NREL chart of solar cell technologies, maintained by the National Renewable Energy Lab, USA.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 19,2022

Neodymium ions could protect perovskite solar cells from degradation

An international research collaboration that was led by UCLA and included teams from Marmara University in Turkey, Sungkyunkwan University in Korea, Dalian University of Technology and Westlake University in China, Washington State University, UC Irvine and Washington University in St. Louis, has developed a way to use perovskites in solar cells while protecting it from the conditions that cause it to deteriorate.

The scientists added small quantities of neodymium ions directly to the perovskite. They found not only that the augmented perovskite was much more durable when exposed to light and heat, but also that it converted light to electricity more efficiently.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 16,2022

Researchers fabricate bifacial perovskite-CIGS tandem solar cell and develop a new low-temperature production process

Researchers from EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology), University of Cantabria and National Tsing Hua University have created a bifacial perovskite-CIGS tandem solar cell and developed a new low-temperature production process resulting in record efficiencies of 19.8% for front and 10.9% for rear illumination.

The idea is collecting direct sunlight, as well as its reflection via the rear end of the solar cell, which should increase the yield of energy the cell produces. Potential applications are, for instance, building-integrated photovoltaics, agrivoltaics – the simultaneous use of areas of land for both photovoltaic power generation and agriculture – and vertically or high-tilt installed solar modules on high-altitude grounds.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 15,2022

Researchers achieve temperature-dependent phase stable hybrid halide perovskite films by CVD

Researchers from South-Africa's University of the Western Cape, University of Missouri and Argonne National Laboratory have developed a new way of enhancing the stability and performance of perovskites. 

Missouri University professor Suchismita (Suchi) Guha, the lead author of the study, and her collaborators improved the methods for making lead halide perovskites. Previous techniques for making these thin-film perovskites required liquid processing using solvents, which rendered the films susceptible to degradation when exposed to air. Additionally, with  prior manufacturing processes, one of its molecules undergoes a change to its structure, causing performance limitations in real-world operating conditions. 
With the new technique, the researchers were able to prevent the change, holding the affected molecule in a stable structure throughout a large temperature range. Additionally, the new technique rendered the perovskite air stable, making it appropriate for a potential solar cell. 

Read the full story Posted: Dec 15,2022

Researchers use daminozide as an interlayer and additive for efficient perovskite p-i-n structure solar cell

Researchers from China's East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai University, Donghua University and Soochow University have fabricated an inverted perovskite solar cell with remarkable charge transport.

They reportedly suppressed carrier recombination at the interface between the perovskite and the charge transport layer, as well as defect-assisted recombination originating from the perovskite layer. The cell has a p-i-n structure, which means the perovskite cell material is deposited onto the hole transport layer, and then coated with the electron transport layer, unlike with conventional n-i-p device architecture. Inverted perovskite solar cells typically show strong stability, but lag behind conventional devices in terms of conversion efficiency and cell performance.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 11,2022

Researchers design a water-splitting system assisted by monolithic perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells

Researchers from Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology and TNO (partner in Solliance) have designed an integrated solar-assisted water-splitting system with a flow electrochemical cell and a monolithic perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell.

The team's work demonstrates how a perovskite/silicon tandem cell can be combined with a water electrolyzer system. However, the team said that there are still many steps that need to be taken before commercialization is possible. For example: upscaling the technology, addressing stability in greater detail, and use of more earth-abundant catalysts in the water-splitting reaction.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 09,2022

Researchers use perovskite and quantum dots to build an ultraviolet radiation measurement device

A team of researchers from China's Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Jilin University and Beijing Institute of Technology, has used perovskite and quantum dots to build an ultraviolet radiation measurement device. 

Measuring the intensity of ultraviolet light in outdoor conditions is important because more intense UV light can lead to faster sunburns and potentially to skin cancer in later years. In this new study, the researchers built a wearable device that can measure ultraviolet radiation in real-time and send the information to a smartphone.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 08,2022

Researchers use facial mask technique to improve perovskite solar cells

Researchers from China's Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Sichuan University and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) recently developed a new technology for the production of perovskite films that uses effects similar to those of facial masks, which promote the absorption of skincare products into the skin.

The newly developed technology made it possible to produce high-quality films with a smooth surface and a high efficiency of converting solar energy into electrical power.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 07,2022