Researchers from ITMO University, the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), the Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS, and Tokai University (Japan) have discovered a way to fashion perovskite microcrystals into desired shapes for further use in the production of lenses and other optoelectronic elements without loss of quality.
This research opens up new opportunities for the creation of micro-optical elements that could be used in microchips and other optoelectronic devices.
The scientists have suggested using ultra-short (femtosecond) laser pulses. Since perovskites have relatively poor heat conductivity properties, the scientists were able to laser-etch the necessary parts of the crystal without damaging nearby fragments of its structure. Thus, they were able to cut the monocrystals into lenses ' and other elements used in optical systems ' without harming their optical and light-emitting qualities.
'By using the method we developed, we were able to form various optical microstructures ' different microlenses, subwave diffraction gratings with a period significantly smaller than the wavelength of optical radiation, etc. But perovskite optical elements can be used not just as passive devices: when there's a need to deflect a beam or focus it into a diffraction limit, they can also be used as functional elements of more complex active optical devices: microlasers, ultrafast modulators, and other parts of cutting-edge optical chips,' says Alexey Zhizhchenko, a senior researcher at FEFU and the Image Processing Systems Institute.