Wuxi Utmost Light Technology (UtmoLight)

Last updated on Sat 19/08/2023 - 11:03

UtmoLight logo imageWuxi UtmoLight technology (UtmoLight) is a perovskite photoelectric industrialization technology development company. Before it was spun-off, UtmoLight was the solar business unit of SVOLT Energy Technology of Great Wall holdings.

UtmoLight started research work on perovskite photoelectric technology in 2018. In April 2020, it spun out as UtmoLight Technology. UtmoLight is committed to the commercialization of solar cells and modules, light-emitting quantum dots and precursor materials which are all based on perovskite materials.


UtmoLight includes a cleanroom laboratory with an area of more than 1000m2 has been built with comprehensive facilities. Its functions cover the research and development of perovskite solar cells and modules, perovskite quantum dots and thin films, and the synthesis of perovskite raw materials. At the same time, pilot production lines are also under construction in an area of more than 5000m2.

Company Address

No. 1066, Dacheng Road