Tata Chemicals enters strategic partnership with IITB-Monash for perovskites research

Tata Chemicals has announced a collaboration with IITB-Monash Research Academy for pioneering research in the field of perovskite/clean energy. The strategic partnership will aim to advance sustainable energy transition solutions and foster innovation in clean energy technologies.

Under this agreement, Tata Chemicals will support the next-generation technology research led by the IITB-Monash Research Academy focused on the transformative potential of perovskite materials in the field of clean energy.


“This collaboration signifies a leap in Tata Chemicals’ journey of innovation and sustainability, combining its expertise with the academy’s to break new ground in clean energy technologies. It underscores the organization’s relentless pursuit of excellence in research and development, aligning with a shared vision to use scientific prowess to address environmental issues and accelerate the global transition to renewable energy sources,” stated Tata Chemicals.

Posted: Feb 18,2024 by Roni Peleg