
New strategy stabilizes wide-bandgap perovskites and enables improved Cu(In,Ga)Se2 tandem solar cells

Researchers from China's Westlake University, Advanced Solar Technology Institute of Xuancheng and Turkey's Marmara University have addressed the stability issues of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) by developing a divalent cation replacement strategy that mitigates ionic migration while limiting phase segregation. 

Using the new method, the scientists fabricated a champion cell that showed a PCE of 23.20% (certified 22.71%) for a single-junction PSC with a bandgap between 1.67 eV and 1.68 eV. Furthermore, a PCE of 30.13% was obtained for mechanically stacked perovskite/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 tandem devices, and a PCE of 21.88% for transparent perovskite devices. Finally, they obtained a steady-state PCE of 23.28% (certified 22.79%) for flexible monolithic perovskite/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 tandem cells.

Read the full story Posted: Feb 07,2025

MicroQuanta launches large perovskite-based PV plant in China, focused on agrivoltaics

MicroQuanta has reportedly announced the successful grid connection of an 8.6 MW ground-mounted PV plant in Lishui, Zhejiang province, China. The plant in eastern China – the world's largest to be built with perovskite solar technology – focuses on agrivoltaics.

The facility sits on previously unused land in Songyang county and features 95,648 MicroQuanta α perovskite modules. The 90 W modules measure 1,245 mm x 635 mm and weigh 12.5 kg. The panels are tilted at a 22-degree angle, utilizing the terrain's natural slope. To allow agricultural use beneath the solar arrays, the lowest edge of the panels are elevated 2 meters off the ground.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 10,2024

New EU-funded project aims to develop efficient, stable large-area perovskite solar module

An EU-funded Laperitivo project was launched earlier this month, focused on manufacturing large-area stable perovskite solar modules. Laperitivo stands for “large-area perovskite solar module manufacturing with high efficiency, long-term stability, and low environmental impact.” The project aims to achieve 22% efficiency for 900 cm² opaque panels and 20% for semi-transparent modules with more than 95% bifaciality.

The team will focus, among other things, on solving scalability challenges, to promote large-scale mass production with minimized losses. The abstract of the project’s EU funding paper also states that: “Indoor and outdoor field tests will be performed to monitor module reliability. Safety, circularity, and sustainability will be assessed to demonstrate products with minimized environmental impact.”

Read the full story Posted: Sep 23,2024

Sekisui Chemical and TERRA commence joint demonstration test of agrivoltaic perovskite solar cells in Japan

Sekisui Chemical and TERRA recently announced that they have commenced the first joint demonstration test in Japan to install film-type perovskite solar cells for agrivoltaics (solar sharing) at Sosa City, Chiba Prefecture on August 2, 2024.

Sekisui Chemical has created a 30 cm-wide roll-to-roll manufacturing process utilizing its original “sealing, film formation, materials and process technology,” and has reportedly confirmed 10 years equivalent of outdoor durability, which is critical to the development of film-type perovskite solar cells. Furthermore, this manufacturing process has been successfully used to produce film-type perovskite solar cells with a power generation efficiency of 15.0%. Development is being accelerated to further improve durability and power generation efficiency, as well as to establish manufacturing technology for 1 m-wide rolls.

Read the full story Posted: Aug 22,2024

New platform by Germany's Helmholtz Association to promote multi-benefit photovoltaic applications

A collaborative project by leading Helmholtz Centers for photovoltaic research aims to accelerate the deployment of multi-benefit photovoltaics based on emerging printed PV-Technologies like organic photovoltaics and perovskites. 

Core Lab Perovskite PV at KIT. Image from Solar TAP website

The Solar Technology Acceleration Platform (Solar TAP) for emerging Photovoltaics brings together 3 Helmholtz Centers, 9 major research infrastructures, and more than 25 scientists. The three Helmholtz centers are: Forschungszentrum Jülich, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. They are aligning their world-class infrastructures in order to create the joint Technology Acceleration Platform and providing fast and simple access to laboratories, equipment and scientists through collaborative pre-financed projects.

Read the full story Posted: Aug 21,2024

PeroNova announces its entrance into the renewable energy market with perovskite PV technology

PeroNova, a U.S.-based climate technology company, has announced its entrance into the renewable energy market, unveiling its perovskite technology. 

PeroNova claims to have achieved significant enhancements in the stability and reliability of perovskite films, which are critical factors for commercial viability. The Company plans to launch several pilot programs in the U.S. later this year. Specifically, it mentions a collaboration with real estate developers which will bring large-scale implementation of BIPV and agrivoltaics across the country.

Read the full story Posted: Jul 29,2024

US DOE invests $71 million to advance American solar manufacturing

As part of the Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced a $71 million investment in research, development, and demonstration projects to grow the network of domestic manufacturers across the U.S. solar energy supply chain. 

The selected projects will address gaps in the domestic solar manufacturing capacity for supply chain including equipment, silicon ingots and wafers, and both silicon and thin-film solar cell manufacturing. The projects will also open new markets for solar technologies such as dual-use photovoltaic (PV) applications, including building-integrated PV and agrivoltaics. 

Read the full story Posted: May 19,2024

Armor Group acquires 20% stake in Holosolis, announces work on tandem-perovskite cells on silicon

France-based Armor Group has acquired a 20% stake in French solar module maker HoloSolis

In 2025, HoloSolis plans to open a TOPCon PV cell and panel factory in France. At full capacity from 2027, the factory is expected to employ 1,700 people and produce 10 million modules per year, for a total capacity of 5 GW per year. HoloSolis is also working on the next generation of solar panels and the perovskite-silicon tandem cells.

Read the full story Posted: Nov 17,2023

A look into the perovskite solar industry by application

The perovskite solar industry is emerging and becoming a vibrant industry, with dozens of companies that are developing and starting to produce perovskite-based and perovskite-enhanced solar panels, for many applications.

While the industry is still at an early stage, we can see that almost half (43%) of the active perovskite developers are focused on solutions for outdoor applications – mainly roof top and utility scale applications – for generating electricity on a large scale, a replacement for current silicon-based solutions. While this is a challenging area (requires low cost, high performance and very high stability), the size of this market is large and proven. Perovskite has some inherent advantages in this area – low weight, low cost, high return on investment, high efficiency and excellent light absorption properties.

Read the full story Posted: Oct 26,2023

The advantages of perovskite solar technology

Silicon-based solar cells currently dominate the solar market. It is a proven technology, with established manufacturing processes. However, it is also quite expensive to produce, yields rigid cells and has an estimated efficiency limit of around 29%. In recent years, perovskite-based solar technologies have been drawing a lot of attention, and many academics and companies believe they are the future of the solar industry.

Perovskite Solar Cell (PSC) technology is a photovoltaic (PV) technology based on the use of perovskite materials, mostly in the light-absorbing layers of the cell. There are many types of perovskite materials, and several processes used to deposit these materials to create efficient solar panels. PSCs have potential for creating solar panels that are easily deposited onto most surfaces, including flexible and textured ones. They can also be lightweight, cheap to produce, and more efficient than silicon-based solar cells (efficiencies in the lab have already crossed 30%). 

The major advantages of perovskite-based solar cells are factors of performance, applicability and sustainability:

Read the full story Posted: Oct 19,2023