The Henn-na Hotel in Japan, a technologically advanced hotel staffed by robots, now officially features perovskite solar technology developed by Saule Technologies. The installed commercial prototype is made of 72 perovskite modules encapsulated in curved glass.
The aim of the hotel's owner is to make it electrically sustainable. Believing the perovskite solar cells may be a solution and therefore introducing it as a part of the Henn-na Hotel latest tech-solutions, it became the first hospitality facility in the world to have perovskite technology adopted.
CTO and co-founder of Saule Technologies Olga Malinkiewicz took part in the opening ceremony of Henn-na Hotel, presenting the great potential of perovskite solar cells developed by the company. The sign of the hotel had been powered by the energy straight from perovskite panel, providing the audience with a successful demonstration of perovskite cells in practice.
Posted: Dec 24,2018 by Roni Peleg