Oxford Photovoltaics (Oxford PV) - Page 4

Last updated on Mon 10/06/2024 - 16:41

Oxford PV hits new perovskite-silicon tandem world record

Oxford PV has reached a new efficiency world record for perovskite-silicon tandem cells at 29.52%, passing the previous record set less than a year ago by Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin. The new record has been certified by the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Oxford PV's new tandem efficiency record image

The new record was achieved on a cell measuring 1.12cm2, produced in a laboratory setting. Oxford PV previously held the tandem cell efficiency record at 27.3%, and then 28%, before a group at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB) pushed the record to 29.15% in January 2020. Both Oxford PV and HZB have stated that they have clear roadmaps to push this record beyond 30% in the near future.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 22,2020

Oxford PV’s new manufacturing facility backed with €8.8 million funding

Oxford PV, currently involved in building a manufacturing facility in Brandenburg an der Havel for its silicon perovskite tandem solar cells (in which it is investing around €44 million), has received €8.8 million funding from the state Ministry of Economics in Potsdam for this project.

'I am delighted that Oxford Photovoltaics has brought the solar technology developed by the company itself to market maturity and that it will soon start with industrial series production here in Brandenburg,' said Brandenburg Minister for Economic Affairs Jörg Steinbach. 'The decision by Oxford PV to expand the production facility in Hohenstücke is a clear commitment to our community.'

Read the full story Posted: Nov 15,2020

Oxford PV declares perovskite solar cells on the market within a year

Oxford PV's Professor Henry Snaith recently stated that the Company's perovskite-based solar cells are scheduled to go on sale next year.

Professor Snaith said: "Perovskite PV has demonstrated its immense opportunity to transform solar energy generation... I am especially looking forward to the next 12 months and seeing our first commercial perovskite-silicon solar product on the market."

Read the full story Posted: Sep 10,2020

Oxford PV hopes to deliver perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells within a year

Oxford PV recently stated that it hopes to deliver perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells to high end solar module manufacturers in the first half of 2021, now less than a year away.

Oxford PV Tandem Cell Architecture image

The group expects these solar cells to have an efficiency between 26-27%, to increase in efficiency by 1% per year as the company improves its manufacturing techniques. It was said that initially, a 400 watt 60-cell solar module will probably be available.

Read the full story Posted: Apr 07,2020