GreatCell Solar

Last updated on Wed 03/07/2024 - 18:25

Greatcell logo imageGreatCell Solar, formerly known as Dyesol, was an Australia-headquartered renewable energy supplier and leader in Perovskite Solar Cell (PSC) technology. In 2018 the company went bankrupt.

Following the company's liquidation in 2018, Greatcell Solar Materials was spun-off to a separate entity. In addition, GreatCell's Solar equipment, IP and subsidiary in Italy were acquired by a newly formed company called Greatcell Energy.


GreatCell manufactured and supplied PSC materials and was dedicated to the successful commercialization of PSC photovoltaics. It is mainly focused on:

  1. Developing (and continuously advancing) a suite of thoroughly tested PSC chemicals, components and equipment used in the manufacture of PSC cells, modules and panels to researchers and industrialists;
  2. Providing turn-key and custom fabrication facilities for research, development and production of PSC photovoltaic devices; and
  3. Providing specialist training, consulting and engineering solutions for the application of PSC photovoltaic technology

One of GreatCell's main activities was the development and supply of photoactive materials, mostly for R&D. The company started offering perovskite materials around 2013.

GreatCell's main goal, however, was to develop perovksite-based solar panels. One example was the company's intensive research into steel substrates for solar panels. GreatCell was working on flexible steel-integrated panels (as part of SOLLIANCE) which had the potential to find a huge market in the warehouses and industrial buildings across Europe. In addition, GreatCell developed glass-based perovskite. The company aimed to establish Joint Ventures with solar panel makers for the creation of commercial production lines.

Company Address

3 Dominion Place (PO Box 6212)
Queanbeyan NSW