Brightspot Automation

Last updated on Sun 19/05/2024 - 17:21
Company Type: 

BrightSpot Automation provides the solar energy industry and photovoltaic researchers with specialized manufacturing and measurement tools. Its focus is on helping to improve module durability and performance.

The Company defines itself as 'the solar cell crack and contact resistance experts', and has testing solutions for all PV technologies including Silicon, CdTe, CIGS, and perovskites.

The Company offers various products like camera systems, EL testing equipment and more, as well as services related to its portfolio of products, like:

  • Testing/measurements/data-analysis
  • Field EL and UVF testing of mounted panels
  • Indoor EL testing of pallets of panels
  • Enhancement of your EL and UVF images and independent analysis reporting including pass/fail or quality level quantification, risk assessment, and likely origin of different defect types
  • Strategic assessments
  • Choice of modules for project
  • Early stage planning of projects relating to factory EL images, pre- and post-installation testing, and acceptance criteria
  • Due diligence investigations
Company Address

11715 Vermillion Rd
Longmont, CO
United States