Researchers develop high-performance bifacial perovskite solar cells using single-walled carbon nanotubes

Researchers at the University of Surrey, University of Cambridge and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xidian University, and Zhengzhou University have developed a novel approach for bifacial perovskite devices using single-walled carbon nanotubes as both front and back electrodes.

Single-walled carbon nanotubes offer high transparency, conductivity, and stability, enabling bifacial PSCs with a bifaciality factor of over 98% and a power generation density of over 36%. 


The bifacial cells can harvest sunlight from both front and back panels. This generates more energy and depends less on which angle the light hits them.
The team also fabricated flexible, all-carbon-electrode-based devices with a high power-per-weight value of 73.75 W g−1 and excellent mechanical durability.

Furthermore, the scientists showed that the bifacial devices have a much lower material cost than conventional monofacial PSCs. 

The panels could generate over 36 mW per square centimeter – and the back panel produced nearly 97% of the power that the front panel did. That compares to 75-95% for most bifacial panels currently on the market.

Posted: Mar 19,2024 by Roni Peleg