Singfilm Solar announces 22.6% efficiency for perovskite solar module

Singapore-based startup Singfilm Solar has announced it achieved a power conversion efficiency of 22.6% for a p-i-n structure perovskite solar panel. The result was said to be confirmed by China's National PV Industry Measurement and Testing Center (NPVM). 

The design of the mini modules includes eight sub-cells connected in series on a 55 mm × 55 mm substrate, each sub-cell with a width of 5.6 mm. Each sub-cell within the module reportedly demonstrates impressive performance metrics with an open-circuit voltage of 1.169 V, a short-circuit current of 25 mA/cm², and a fill factor of 77.4%.


The solar cells used for the panel rely on the Company's proprietary quasi-mono industrial preparation technology, which reportedly enables high-throughput continuous production on large rigid and flexible substrates. 

Quasi-mono solar cells are produced with seeded cast silicon, also known as cast-mono or quasi-mono crystalline silicon. The cast mono process enables the production of ‘mono like’ wafer material using a modified polycrystalline furnace and avoids costly investment in ingot pulling machinery. Cast-mono wafers are less susceptible to recombination caused by boron-oxygen defects and have the advantage of lower light-induced degradation.

Posted: Jul 17,2024 by Roni Peleg