NREL and NASA test perovskite solar cells in space
Researchers at NREL, working with teams from NASA, are testing ways to bring production costs of solar cells down and transforming how PV technologies could work in space as well.
The latest test will evaluate the potential use of perovskite solar cells in space and assess the durability of materials used in those cells. NASA's Dr. Kaitlyn VanSant worked with Ahmad Kirmani, Joey Luther, Severin Habisreutinger, Rosie Bramante, Dave Ostrowski, Brian Wieliczka, and Bill Nemeth at NREL to prepare the perovskite cells and materials. Eight of these samples are scheduled to launch to the space station in August and another set of 25 samples will be launched in the spring of 2022. The samples, each of which are a square inch in size, are part of the Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE) program and will be fastened to the outside of the orbiting platform.